How Do I Add Audio To My Site? Print

  • 148

A great way to add audio or video of your weekly sermons is to use the Sermons page type.
  1. Click the Add a Page button at the bottom of your site menu.
  2. Select Sermons from the Page Type options.
  3. Enter a Page title such as Sermons.
  4. Click the Add a Sermon button.
  5. Enter the sermon title in the Title field.
  6. Click the date field to open the calendar widget.
  7. Using the calendar widget, select the date of your sermon.
  8. Using the page editor, enter any additional information about the sermon such as the speaker, scripture references or sermon series.
  9. Click the Select File link to browse your computer and locate your sermon file.
  10. Once the file is selected, you will see a progress bar update as the file is being uploaded to your site.
  11. Click the Save Sermon button to add the staff member.
  12. Repeat steps 4 - 9 for each sermon you wish to add.
  13. Click the Submit button to save and publish the sermon to your site.

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